Becoming an Interim

Experienced nonprofit professional leaders interested in making a difference for other nonprofit organizations without the commitment of permanent employment and with the flexibility to take on assignments as and when they surface, should consider interim leadership.

Interim Executive Solutions Associates help nonprofit organizations that are contemplating or undergoing leadership transitions, to strengthen their operations, build their capacity, and ensure their sustainability so they can attract, onboard and support a highly qualified leader who can help them deliver on their vision for the future.

Interim leadership through Interim Executive Solutions offers the ability to:

  • Leverage your experience to assess, stabilize and strengthen an organization
  • Empower and build the capacity of nonprofit staff and create an inclusive, diverse workforce where committed staff and board feel a sense of belonging and purpose
  • Maintain flexibility in your assignments and your schedule as an independent contractor
  • Network and share your practice with other like-minded professionals with deep nonprofit experience
  • Be supported in your assignments by a Partner Liaison who can guide you through the process and provide resources to support your work
  • Minimize the complexity of managing your practice so you can focus on the work.

To learn more, contact David Harris or call us: 855 INT EXEC, 855 468 3932