Transition Support

Leveraging the expertise of our practitioners, Interim Executive Solutions offers nonprofit technical resources and nonprofit consulting services to our nonprofit clients. Our nonprofit consulting services can be provided individually or as part of comprehensive programs such as:

Nonprofit Succession Planning and Transition Readiness

An effective transition plan ensures that there are well-defined roles and responsibilities in the event of an unexpected crisis or an anticipated departure at a nonprofit organization, and that the steps needed to prepare the board and staff for a new leader are clear. This planning process will inform the nonprofit Board as to whether internal candidates are ready for larger leadership roles and what roles may need to be backfilled as a consequence. Where a highly qualified successor is not immediately available, a nonprofit transition plan can assess whether an internal appointment could effectively fulfill the interim role, or whether the organization would benefit from additional capacity and professional expertise to address time sensitive tactical and strategic needs.

Nonprofit Sustainability Assessment

Our nonprofit experts can conduct an independent organizational review, gathering input through staff, nonprofit Board member and stakeholder interviews and analyzing key measures of stability and impact, that will surface and prioritize issues that should be addressed in order to stabilize and strengthen the nonprofit organization. This review will also inform the Board as to whether the nonprofit would benefit from additional temporary capacity and professional expertise to address time sensitive tactical and strategic needs.

Nonprofit Board Governance and Support

Through our team of professionals and our network of partners, IES provides resources to address specific nonprofit needs such as:

  • Assessing nonprofit Board governance,
  • Putting in place appropriate nonprofit financial and operating policies, sound operational practices, and regular reporting and monitoring mechanisms
  • Improving human capital management

Mentoring and Advisory Services

Our Nonprofit Mentoring/Coaching and Advisory Services are designed to build the capacity of individual nonprofit leaders, nonprofit leadership teams and nonprofit Board members. We work with you to identify specific goals and areas for development. Then we support the individuals or teams through regular interactions during which we observe practice and provide actionable feedback on processes and practices highlighting their impact on your nonprofit organization. We also facilitate and project manage initiatives such as nonprofit strategic visioning exercises, problem solving, group facilitations, and nonprofit SWOT analyses that engage a broader group of nonprofit stakeholders.

Learn more about how our transition support services work

Contact us for a free confidential consultation

Whether you are planning a leadership transition or exploring issues of governance, succession or improved operating team effectiveness for your nonprofit, tell us your story. We may be able to provide insights and strategies to help you achieve your goals. Email, or call 1-855-INT EXEC (1-855-468-3932).