Jim Zache

Jim began his work as an interim executive after decades of chairing the board of directors of a large non-profit. After a sudden change in leadership the board asked Jim to fill in.  The interim CEO role became a five-year full-time position that saw Jim lead substantial financial and operational transformations.  

Zache had successful careers in both Communications and Healthcare. In healthcare working in hospitals, community based residential facilities, Assisted Living, Medical Groups and Skilled Nursing Facilities.  

Working for a large Milwaukee WI integrated healthcare system, Jim had senior executive leadership roles in Physician Recruiting, Physician Relations and Medical Group Operations. He brought strategic innovations to several areas of the hospital resulting in multiple year national speaking engagements.   

After graduation Jim’s first career was on the radio. After spinning records for a few years, he moved into news and sportscasting eventually becoming a General Manager for several stations. His strength became financially turning struggling stations around.  The Wisconsin Broadcasting Association awarded him Radio Station of the Year. 

Jim lives in Fort Myers FL spending time during the summer in Wisconsin with his three daughters and two grandchildren. 

Zache had is passion for non-profits enhanced when he stepped into the front lines working with caregivers. He found their never-ending dedication and commitment to their patients and clients astounding.

LinkedIn: Jim Zache