Board and Executive Leadership Collaboration in a Time of Crisis

Crisis situations, such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, demand that a nonprofit board and the executive leadership work together far more closely than would normally occur. This is because the circumstances can impact:

  • Mission and vision (what you do),
  • Funding and budgets (the resources available),
  • Governance processes (decision-making authority and documentation),
  • Stakeholders (impact on staff, clients, supporters and others),
  • Management priorities (how the ED will be evaluated), and ultimately
  • The core values of the organization (how your actions will be perceived).

While the chief executive oversees day-to-day implementation of these issues, responsibility for approving and monitoring execution is actually the purview of a nonprofit board.

Read our Expert Advice article published by MassNonprofit News or view this 1 hour webinar, commissioned by PhilanthropyMA and The Boston Foundation, that lay out a 10-step process for nonprofit boards and EDs to undertake together to plan for, navigate and learn from the current crisis. You can download the presentation material and see the 10 steps here and you can join the weekly follow up discussion group every Wednesday at 1pm through May 2020. Email David Harris,, to receive the link to the weekly discussion group.

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