Kathleen Purcell

Kathleen Purcell is a Senior Nonprofit Executive with more than 30 years of experience. Ms. Purcell’s strengths include problem solving, persuasion, and communication. She has specific expertise in marketing and  fundraising, and is proud of her ability to develop organizations and staff.  

Ms. Purcell has enjoyed a diverse career in nonprofit and for-profit health care and human service organizations. Throughout her career, she has established a track record of building organizations and leading them through periods of substantial growth and transition, consistently exceeding goals. Her expertise includes program design, management, and implementation, leading to innovative collaborations with strategic partners that maximize resources and achieve results. She is known for making sound business decisions and negotiating cost-effective contracts.  

Areas of professional accomplishment include: 

Financial Management

  • Managed a budget of $1.6 million with a staff of eighteen (full and part-time) employees.  Supervised and coordinated all aspects of budgeting and financial management. 
  • Increased occupancy by 62% in 13 months and boosted revenue. 
  • Generated more than $1 million in revenue to support a budget of $723,000. 
  • During the pandemic, I was able to focus on fundraising and was able to raise over $1,000,000 for programs,  services, and capital improvements.  
  • Raised more than $1.5 million in new funding through government and private sources.  

Communication, Team, and Relationship Building

  • Demonstrated strengths in marketing communications, especially written and public presentation skills.  Excelled at networking to develop and cultivate strong working relationships with stakeholders, donors,  clients, and community leaders to ensure success and exceed goals.  
  • Maintained long-term staff retention. 

Fundraising Expertise 

  • Exceeded fundraising goal by 65% (raising $1.2 million for a $750,000 budget). 
  • Secured six-figure and multi-year gifts and pledges through personal solicitation, grant requests, and  corporate sponsorship.  
  • Arranged small donor events, which have successfully increased major donor contributions During the pandemic, I was able to focus on fundraising and was able to raise over $1.000,000.00 for  programs, services, and capital improvements.  

Legislative Consulting 

  • Testified before Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, House Professional Licensure Committee,  House Bill 489. 
  • Participated in legislative action, lobbying on both State and Federal levels. 

Ms. Purcell holds a Master’s Degree from Seton Hall University in Corporate and Public Communications with  a minor in Marketing. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Temple University. 

Linked In: Kathleen Purcell